Monday, March 21, 2005


"You put a hard question on the virtue of discipline. What you say is true: I do value it- and I think that you do too- more than for its earthly fruit, proficiency. I think that one can give only a metaphysical ground for this evaluation; but the variety of metaphysics which gave an answer to your question has been very great, the metaphysics themselves very disparate: the bhagavadgita, Ecclesiastes, the Stoa, the beginning of the Laws, Hugo of St. Victor, St. Thomas, John of the Cross, Spinoza. This very great disparity suggests that the fact that discipline is good for the soul is more fundamental than any of the grounds given for its goodness. I believe that through discipline, though not through discipline alone, we can achieve serenity, and a certain small but precious measure of the freedom from the accidents of incarnation, and charity, and that detachment which preserves the world which it renounces. I believe that through discipline we can learn to preserve what is essential to our happiness in more and more adverse circumstances, and to abandon with simplicity what would else have seemed to us indispensable; that we come a little to see the world without the gross distortion of personal desire, and in seeing it so, accept more easily our earthly privation and its earthly horror- But because I believe that the reward of discipline is greater than its immediate objective, I would not have you think that discipline without objective is possible: in its nature discipline involves the subjection of the soul to some perhaps minor end; and that end must be real, if the discipline is not to be factitious. Therefore I think that all things which evoke discipline: study, and our duties to men and to the commonwealth, war, and personal hardship, and even the need for subsistence, ought to be greeted by us with profound gratitude, for only through them can we attain to the least detachment; and only so can we know peace."

- Robert Oppenheimer (Letter to his brother Frank, 1932)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the man who brought the atom bomb to life. Ironic!

6:50 AM  
Blogger Wavefunction said...

There are many things in Oppenheimer's life which appear contradictory and ironic. Most of them were brought about by his own existence which was at the same time self-destructive and full of conviction.
A comment that he made to his friends while still a teen demonstrates this quality best, I think and sums up his complex personality somewhat. He said,
"I want to be someone who is good at a lot of things, yet one who regards the world through a tear-stained countenance".
THAT is why I find the man fascinating...

7:09 AM  

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