Friday, December 17, 2004


Department lunches have had an unusually consistent record of being insipid, as far as the food goes, and today's end of semester lunch was no exception. Turkey and chicken so typically American and bland, that you get the feeling they have been picked straight from the farm and served to you without further ado. Ditto for the green beans, which would strike fear in the heart of even the most seasoned Asian vegetarian. And Eggnog (apparently a 'great Christmas treat'), the first sip of which made me immediately feel that I have ingested a ton of the betelnuts which my grandfather occasionally used to chew. Bah!! The one saving grace was the line of desserts which I used to sate my appetite. I have here with me right now; Baklava (the great Turkish treat), lemon cake AND walnut cake, fruit punch (which for once is not tasting like cough syrup-'It's the cherries, stupid!'), frosted muffins and assorted chocolates.
How I miss mom's cooking, for which I am going to have to wait a mere fortnight now...


Blogger Sumedha said...

One of my survival strategies here is a hoard of chocolates for the blues (which come often and last longer). I'm addicted but strangely not headed for Fat Farm yet :-)

3:27 PM  
Blogger Wavefunction said...

Chocolates?? Hmm...not a bad idea. Not bad at all!

12:01 PM  

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